Senior Women’s Health

Senior Women’s Health


Celebrate National Women’s Health Month. Maintaining Women’s Health During The Senior Years

57% of seniors over 65 years of age in the US are women. The number increases with age because women tend to live longer than men. For women to continue to thrive into their senior years, it’s important to know about women’s health issues.

Source: Institute on Aging: https://www.ioaging.org/aging-in-america

Some of the common conditions that affect seniors— including stroke, heart disease, and depression—affect more women than men each year. This is one of several reasons why women should be aware of their health as they age.

Source: NICHD: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/womenshealth/conditioninfo/howconditionsaffect

Key Aspects of Women’s Health

Unfortunately, aging can take its toll on women’s health. That is why senior women need to pay attention to symptoms of problems in these categories, and be sure to visit their doctor for regular exams.

Cardiovascular Health

Watch for signs of problems in the following areas, as they are common issues for older women:

Blood pressure | Cholesterol | Blood sugar | Circulation | Reproductive Health

Cancer, cysts, and other health problems can strike after menopause. Women over 65 should continue to get mammograms and see a gynecologist.

Sensory Health

Eye and ear exams help seniors stay safe and independent.

Dental Health

Besides maintaining healthy teeth and gums, regular dental visits can alert senior women to health problems that commonly include oral symptoms.

Digestive Health

Although talking about digestive health and experiencing exams like a colonoscopy can be uncomfortable, the risk of digestive problems increases as women age and such conditions can be serious.

Mental Health

It’s common for seniors to experience isolation, depression, anxiety, memory loss, and other mental health issues. Women are more prone than men to many of these conditions.

Top Tips for Staying Healthy

Women can make choices that will support their health through the aging process. It is essential for senior women to:

  • Stay up to date on vaccinations
  • Attend regular medical checkups
  • Get screened for conditions common to seniors
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Be educated about medications and take them properly
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep up with loved ones and social activities
  • Manage existing health conditions

Source: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/womens-health-topics/5-healthy-aging-tips-women

These medical tests can be ordered when you visit a regular doctor. Women over 65 should have the following screenings and tests:

  • Blood pressure and sugar tests
  • Breast and pelvic exams
  • Colorectal screenings
  • Eye screening
  • Hearing test
  • Bone density test
  • Cholesterol screening
  • Dental exam
  • Skin screening

Source: https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/guide/milestone-medical-tests-60-up#2

Take Preventive Steps!

  • If you have risk factors of certain diseases (hereditary conditions, being a smoker or overweight, etc.) take preventive steps against those specific risks. Often, a change in diet or lifestyle can make a difference in preventing or delaying conditions you are prone to!
  • Home Care Tip:
  • Many hospitals and senior centers offer free classes, resources, and other forms of support for healthy living. The social and educational nature of these offerings can empower women to age well, so encourage them to participate.
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