As Seniors Age, Their Risk of Disease and Health Problems Increases

As Seniors Age, Their Risk of Disease and Health Problems Increases

JULY 2019 | ClearCare® | Companion Extraordinaire

Preventative strategies can help seniors live healthier lives with fewer risks.

Common Preventative Services for Seniors

Everyone Over 50

  • Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Annual Wellness Exam
  • Influenza Vaccine
  • High Blood Pressure Screening
  • Skin Check
  • Mental Health Checkups

Everyone Over 65

  • Annual Pneumococcal Vaccines
  • Diabetes Screening
  • Thyroid Screening
  • Annual Vitamin D Test
  • Bone Density Scan
  • Semi-Annual Hearing Test
  • Annual Periodontal Exams
  • Shingles Vaccine
  • Annual Eye Exams

Women Over 45

  • Cholesterol Screening

Women Over 50

  • Annual Breast Cancer Screening
  • Pelvic Exam and Pap Smears

Women Over 65

  • Osteoporosis Screening


Men Over 35

  • Cholesterol Screening

Men Over 50

  • Prostate Cancer Screening


Source: Healthline; Family Doctor

How to Keep Track of Tests and Screenings

With so many steps to take for preventative care, it’s easy for some tests to be overlooked or forgotten. Seniors should keep track of which services they have had performed and when. Some helpful methods for tracking include:

  • Keep a checklist of annual screenings to be filled out each year
  • Ask for copies of test results to keep in a binder
  • Grant doctors’ offices permission to share files with each other electronically
  • Sign up for electronic health records websites used by doctors’ offices
  • Keep a long-term record of screenings, procedures, and other notable medical events to bring to annual wellness appointments

Source: EverydayHealth

Top Reasons to Take Preventative Measures

Did you know some preventable diseases can develop without noticeable symptoms? That’s one reason why screenings are important. Other reasons to have screenings as an older adult include:

  • Might take actionable steps if warning signs of problems are detected
  • Possibly identify diseases early enough to treat them
  • Reduce the impact of some conditions
  • Improve the chances of living a long and healthy life

Source: Very Well Health

Other Preventative
Health Strategies

Besides screenings, tests, and vaccinations, the top strategies seniors can use to prevent health problems include:

  • A healthy diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Getting rest

Source: NCBI

Home Care Tip

Many preventative services, like wellness exams or certain vaccines, are covered by most health insurance providers. Ask insurance providers for a full list of free services seniors can take advantage of.

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